In case you have concerns, here are some frequently asked questions and answers to clear things up.
No, the Mashers is a Select Program where players try out and are selected for teams. Some kids will tryout and not make a Mashers team. With RLL, all players registered will be on a team and follow Little League playing time guidelines. The Mashers program keeps separate finances from RLL and does not take away resources from
Much of Mashers’ Leadership are active members of RLL as Coaches and Board Members, having a vested interest in both organizations’ vitality. Mashers teams train before RLL starts and while in season, schedules practices and games around RLL regular season games. Mashers Coaches and players will be spread to different RLL Majors and Minors teams. Communication between Mashers and RLL Coaches is an important aspect of the relationship as taking care of players physical and mental health is paramount to players loving to play.
No, RLL All Stars are separate from Mashers. Mashers Players and Coaches are not guaranteed spots in RLL All Stars.
Mashers will have Fall/Winter workouts outside of the RLL Season. This schedule is TBD and understands and encourages young athletes to play multiple sports. Once RLL Spring starts up, Mashers teams will practice around RLL games and Practices. If a player has a scheduled event with RLL they are to attend that first, otherwise they are expected to be at Mashers practices.
The goal is for players to get 30-35 games in a year between Mashers and their RLL games. Mashers games will come from a combination of local games vs other Tournament Teams (SW WA & Greater PDX area and Tournaments. Tournaments could include travel to areas like Bend, Chehalis and TriCities. Mashers games during the Little League season will be limited to the weekends that Little League does not hold games (generally 3 weekends during a the season. like Memorial Day weekend). How each team gets to the target number of games between local games and tournaments will vary as Coaches decide what is best for their individual team.
Baseball and youth sports are changing rapidly. Providing an option for Ridgefield kids to stay in Ridgefield and play more competitive baseball helps those players, their families, and RLL stay in our Ridgefield community. The long-term benefits also grow the pool of players going into RHS. Other leagues have similar programs that give them an advantage in times like District All Star tournaments. The Mashers program seeks to deliver a “Plus” approach in addition to Little League at a fraction of the cost of other Travel/Tournament baseball programs and flexibility for players to continue playing multiple sports.
RHS’s Baseball Head Coach Nick Allen is an active member of the Mashers Board of Directors and provides valuable experience and perspective to the Mashers program. Coach Allen and his staff are able to provide Coaching Training to Mashers staff that they can bring to the fields with Mashers Players. Coach Allen desires for Ridgefield kids to have opportunities to play more baseball, especially in Ridgefield and in the 13-15 year old ages.
Yes, while this is a more competitive team, it is not designed to be “enough” of a season. This is an “extra” program that builds up our Ridgefield players. Requiring Mashers players to be RLL players helps both programs, making little league games more competitive by keeping Ridgefield talent of both players and coaches in RLL and spreading the Mashers players and coaches out throughout different RLL teams.
We are currently running 11u-13u with an additional 10U developmental program.